In addition to a huge flock of Canadian geese, snow geese, and cranes in a field a couple miles from here, I saw today the first sparse puffs of almond blossoms.
They are a bit early; two weeks from now would have been better. However, it's hard to argue with the sun -- after the clouds broke up today, the temperatures skated right up into the high 50's. We're letting the fire go out tonight because it's actually a bit too warm in the house!
As sundown approached, I took both dogs for a brief walk around the block so that they could check p-mail on the bushes and see something different than the kitchen and living room and back yard. By the time we got back, both dogs were panting, and a subsequent brushing of Babe yielded a bushel basket or so of undercoat that is coming loose. (Howie has little or no undercoat, the poor delicate creature, and he cannot understand why Babe gets a half-hour of brushing and he gets about five minutes.)
Tomorrow I'm going to cook a turkey early (that will heat up the chilled kitchen) and then take the rest of the weekend off. Perhaps I'll lie back in my husband's arms and feed him sips of a fruity zinfandel, and just get lost in the burgeoning Spring and 31 years of charming matrimony.
Cheers, all.
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