Wednesday, October 04, 2006

An Early October Day

An improbable star in an Autumn sky.

Commonly called "Angel's Trumpet," a specimen of this shrub (brugmansia) dangles over our fence. My neighbor loves it, but most of it is not over her yard! The dangly yellow-orange blossoms are unusual-looking, fairly attractive, and immensely fragrant at night. I understand it doesn't like temperatures below 40 degrees, so I'm hoping for a good hard frost or two to keep the thing from getting any taller than its current 12 feet.

It drops an unending patter of dead leaves and blossoms.

There, that wasn't dripping with venom, now was it? I actually thought it was a cool-looking plant when I first saw one in San Francisco, but that was before I smelled it. I'm not good with strong floral scents at any time, but this one smelled like the men's cologne section of Macy's.

A bit later in the day, this fierce predator landed with a plop on the fence under the brugmansia. I managed to slowly get my camera up and then snapped this through my studio window. Still, the mockingbird looks pretty suspicious of my movement. After I held still for a while, the bird hopped along picking at buggies on the boards.

I managed to upload three articles to the Piker Press today, working ahead so as to have time to spare in November.

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