Monday, March 10, 2008

Good Job, Crows!

I've been hearing the hawk screeching almost every morning, and it sounds like the bird is right above the back patio.

But every time I'd open the back door to see where the hawk was, he (or she) would shut up. Or I'd catch a glimpse of him gliding silently away.

This morning, before I heard the hawk, I heard the crows shouting up a storm, and could tell from their calls that they had found either an owl -- or a hawk!

Leery of being crapped on by a mob of crows, I grabbed my camera and went out the door. Crows were circling the neighbor's nearest palmetto, so I thumbed my zoom and went to the far end of the yard, and caught the hawk's image -- indistinctly, I must admit, but there he is. Or she. Shortly after, the hawk swooped away, and the crows went back to their own spring business.

Now I wonder if, because the crows have spotted the hawk, if the hawk will leave and find another place to live. I wouldn't mind a hawk for a denizen of the neighborhood, but I am glad that the crows cued where the hawk was perched.

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