Monday, September 12, 2005

Invasion By Amphibians

Over the past few days, we've been discovering little frogs ... on the table of our patio.

That sounds cute, but I don't do well with surprises, and when I pick up the dishes from a party the night before, and find a frog under the rim of a bowl, I scream. Not intentionally, it just comes flying out, an improbable falsetto, "OOHH-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Very embarassing, especially when laughing voices can be heard inside the house: "What did she see this time?"

One of the frogs was in the bottom of a wide vase we'd used to collect odds and ends. I was putting the O's and E's away, and the frog jumped straight up in the air. Another, a few days later, was found inside a control box for the outdoor lighting. That would be the fellow in the picture, who was nearly black when we found him in the box, but quickly turned a lighter color.

The beast is a Pacific Treefrog. Will they sing in our trees next spring?

But my concern is this: Am I going to have frogs trying to spawn in my swimming pool next spring after they're done singing?

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