Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sheltering in Place (SIP) and Painting Party

Last evening, Alex caught me during a suggestible moment and invited me to a Painting Event with her and her daughters. "We can drink wine and paint," she said. "Come on, it will be fun."

I knew they would be doing watercolors and acrylics. "Do you mind if I use oils?" They didn't mind at all, and so this afternoon, I hoicked myself off to the studio to join them, cleaned my filthy work table, and set out a palette of cobalt blue, cadmium red light, cadmium red medium, cadmium yellow medium, and titanium white.

"The theme is 'cactus,'" I was told. Fine. Cactus it is. Howabout cactus in Red Rock Country?

Oh, yes, and every time I accidentally got my hand in my oil paint, we had a ... sip. (*SIP*) This made for a very agreeable afternoon, and since we were in the garage studio, my solvents and paints did not bother anyone at all. This is the result:



Cheryl said...

It's always fun to see what you can do with a limited palette. Very nice!

Eric Robert Nolan said...

I love it!! It probably helps that I really want to go see the great American west and its deserts -- I tell my best friend about it all the time, and she keeps trying to get me to take a road trip with her.

Painting parties are all the rage in Virginia. Everyone here loves them and posts their work on social media.