Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011

Last year, by the 20th of November, I was swearing profoundly that I would never do NaNoWriMo again, ever. Nothing would persuade me to put myself through it one more time, neither hot blacksmith tongs nor bribes.

The first time I did it, in 2001, it was high adventure -- write fiction? Me? A whole novel's worth? Preposterous! But wait -- I have an idea! What if I run with it? No one ever has to see it but me! Yahooooooo!

Thanks to Alex and her Piker Press, I kept writing afterwards, regularly, and when NaNo 2002 rolled around, I was ready with the confidence, a premise, filler, and an ending. (It wasn't the right ending, but it was an ending.) I completed the requisite 50,000 words by the 21st of November, feeling like I had been beaten by sticks at the river side and wrung out to dry at the whimsy of the sun.

Again, I kept writing almost every day, for the Press, and when NaNo 2003 rolled around, I was ready for the sprint with a faint outline, and it was easy -- and tons of fun -- to complete my novel.

I spent many mornings the next summer (and yes, I was still writing regularly) chatting with Wendy Robards about character development for NaNo 2004, which made the book a breeze to write.

Then 2005 appeared on the calendar, and I didn't have an idea, and my writing habit had become sporadic. FAIL. 2006 and 2007 I just wrote junk for NaNoWriMo, stuff that needs so much editing to pull out even a couple short stories that it's hardly worth revisiting. 2008, I had a great idea, and by the time I reached 30,000 words, I knew that it was a story that could be really good. 2008 -- BAIL. Not going to ruin this story by rushing it. (Note: this novel is still in progress, still not done, still my favorite of all the stuff I've written so far.)

2009 and 2010 I had a story, but my writing habit had become so non-existent that I hated sitting down in the evenings trying to churn out 2000 words a day.

Why am I even considering NaNoWriMo again this year?

Can it be that I know I need to discover a new writing habit, a new time to turn my mind to creation? With Bernie being out of work -- retired, can we shout Hoorah -- I don't want to spend every evening writing. What if I did it in the morning? Would that work?

Should I give that time a try? Should I give this NaNo 2011 a try?


Anonymous said...

Or maybe you are just a bear for punishment?
Personally, I don't think writing can be forced and if it is, it is just, well, forced you know? Still, forming good habits is a good thing. Um...Well... Obviously it's too early to come up with anything sensible.

Lydia Manx said...

*giggles* Gee does that sound familiar! I think it's more along the lines of a challenge and I rarely back down from a challenge. Still haven't a clue where/what/who for my tale but without internet at home it is more likely I'll do NaNo.

Wendy said...

Ha, Sand - I remember those chat sessions. Like you, I breezed through a couple of Nanos, then bailed for the last several years. Just the other day I told Kip that I had a story begging to be written. I have not written any fiction for so, so long...and I think it is time for another Nanowrimo. If you decide to do it this year, let me know!!!!

Cheryl said...

Goldarnit, how am I supposed to NOT do it, when all of the cool kids ARE doing it?

Wendy said...

Looks like you will just HAVE to do it, Cheryl :)