Friday, November 03, 2006

There's a Spider in My Room

Just so you know ...

Spider-toe to spider-toe, this lovely measured more than an inch across. Bernie spotted the arachnid as he was preparing for bed. He wanted me to deal with it.

I don't mind being the one to confront spiders or wasps or bees or even toads. By and large, you either kill them cleanly or escort them gently from your domain. I don't do well at all with bats or giant roaches -- too skittery. You never know when they'll run or fly up your pantleg.

HOWEVER. This animal was just too big to humanely encourage into a dustpan -- mostly because it was perched above our bed, and specifically, MY corner of the bed. One wrong move and it would have disappeared into the bedclothes or under the bed, and neither Bernie nor I would sleep for the next decade.

"Vacuum cleaner," I said to Bernie, holding out my left hand. In seconds, he placed the vac hose in my hand, I climbed to the bed, and called, "Fire!" He turned on the vac and I slurped the poor spider up.

"Now what?" Bernie asked, gingerly holding the machine at arm's length.

"Mr. Spider inside Mr. Vacuum Cleaner goes to reside in the garage tonight."

"Oh, okay," he said with relief and scuttled the machine and its captive to the garage.

Someone else emptied the vacuum cleaner the next day before I had the opportunity. I don't know if the beautiful spider is dead, dumped with the dust from the cleaner, or if it managed to escape into the garage.

I'm keeping my eyes open.

PS. The title is from an early BareNakedLadies song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did your solution not surprise me in the least? That is mine always when they are above my bed. I have had the duty of escorting many creatures outside. Remind me to tell you about my napping habits as a little Lil sized gal some day.
