Thursday, September 14, 2006

Here It Comes

This morning at 5am I was running fans to try to pull some cool air into the house, and wondering where the heck the cold front was.

At 9am I took Howie over to the park for a run, and saw a couple wispy clouds to the west. But it wasn't really cool, and I was sweating like a PEEG by the time we had walked around the park. On the walk home, I looked to the north and saw these clouds. There are a few of those hook-shaped bastards in the mix, the long, wispy ones with a little hook on one end. I speak ill of them because they always bring weather I don't like.

But the stillness remained until just about 15 minutes ago, when I heard a sound like water running -- a breeze rustling the leaves at midday. Within moments the sky has become overcast, and now and then a little gust makes a louder sound.

Leaves are blowing past the studio window now. Here we go.

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