Friday, December 16, 2005

Judge, Jury, Shaman


The first Aser book is finally available in paperback.

You want constipated gnomes? You got constipated gnomes. You want lizardmen in love with ditsy elf-chicks? Yes, yes, they're there. Want to see a wizard get groped by a horny ghost? Oh, shit, that's in there, too. But the book will also give you an earful about greedy merchants, kids who spit, and how to tell if you have a big ass.

Uploading this book to Lulu was a raving pain in the ass, as after it was uploaded, I found an errant blank page, and had to re-do all the chapter headings to reflect that, uploaded it again and found I had to re-do the entire Contents page. Bugger.

I blame elves.


jibbt said...

they need to keep amused somehow

Aser said...

That must be it. If you can't spend the afternoon dyeing your hair or having your nails done, you ought to waste time messing with a hedge-shaman's files.