Showing posts with label freedom of religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom of religion. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chemical Interactions

A bee.

When a bee stings you, it hurts, unless you're one of the few but lucky beekeepers who aren't bothered by their poisonous sting.

A bee has no personal purpose in life; she lives to live, and feed other bees so that they can live to live. They write no books, they build no monuments. If their hive is invaded by a non-hive member, they kill the non-member; they are naturally bigots that way.

I am certain that the vast majority of people in this country would rather not have bees hanging around their yards, and if a few bees got together and started building a hive in their yards, they would have no compunction at all about calling a pest service and having those bees killed and their houses sprayed so that no other bees got the same appalling idea.

After all, a bee could kill a person -- a child, a man, a woman -- who is allergic to their stings.

But a minority of people who say they know what they are talking about are urging people to contact the government and stop the use of a chemical that may be responsible for a decline in bee populations.

How do we know they know what they are talking about? Why, they say they do. 'Nuff said.

I am also certain that the vast majority of people in this country would rather not have unwanted children hanging around their yards, and would like to have contraceptives available so that no children got the appalling idea of being generated from semen and ova.

After all, an unwanted pregnancy could kill a woman!

But a minority of people who say they know what they are talking about are urging people to contact the government because the government wants to force them to offer the chemicals that are designed to produce a decline in human populations -- something that minority is very worried about, although what they are worried about isn't the decline, but the population itself.

How do we know they know what they are talking about? Why, they've been around for two to four thousand years, and oddly enough, even though they believe that contraceptive chemicals are not necessary, they are a still a minority. Apparently not using contraceptive chemicals and devices doesn't get you the voting bloc you crave.

Child pesticides, yes; bee pesticides, no. Wow.

And just for the record, sometimes wanted pregnancies kill women, too.