There were some variously-colored fish in it, still small (Wal-Mart fish), and a water lily. A modest little half-barrel of water.
It was so charming that we became incensed and set out to make a larger, free-form pond for our fish to roam in. We took turns digging. Howie got his turn, too, and in this picture, you can see him begging for another chance to dig. He was very helpful in breaking up the dense layer of compacted clay.

Howie still thinks he should be digging.
Behind Lil can be seen the beginnings of a shelf for water plants to reside in pots. We're thinking the water lily, a zebra rush, a tule reed, and a small-leafed spreading thing that is cute but I didn't take time to learn the name of.
This radically forshortened image of me was taken as I was slicing down to reach the requisite 2.5 feet. I look like I should be playing for the Steelers, and my feet look

*Also note the hat so that my shorn head does not sunburn.
We hope to work on the pond some more this weekend, but the temps are predicted to rise into the 100's ... the fish are safe out back in a temporary pond in the shade. They may have to wait another week.
Okay I see all the women digging and Howie offering to dig. And where are the men? HMMMmmm?
Cool on the fish pool :)
Bernie was the delivery man who took the heavy wheelbarrow out back and unloaded it into the area behind our retaining wall (where we actually needed dirt). He wasn't digging, because we wouldn't let him.
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