However, on a morning that saw me agitated about a dental appointment (to start the adrenaline and panic hormones moving) and that was added to by my mother asking me if my husband of 31 years died 30 years ago, I have been having problems with every piece of computerized equipment that I have touched.
At 5:30 am, my cell phone stopped working. Mostly. It received a voice mail, but not a call. The text messaging worked, but I couldn't make a call. At 6 am, Skype was spotty and twangy, and I have no idea how it sounded to my mother on her end. At 9:15, my laptop was kicking and bucking and "sulling up" (freezing) repeatedly as I tried to transfer one file from it to my graphics computer.
Trillian got disconnected four times.
After lunch, my printer locked up and it took me an hour to get it working again.
Oh, and the mouse attached to my laptop apparently has rabies and is going about on its own, biting random files.
I'm not hitting the wrong buttons. I watched at close range while I clicked on my gmail "send" button and watched it REFUSE to send a brief e-mail with an attached file.
I call the phenomenon "Sparking" and have seen it in action before, when I've been upset or stressed. Keystrokes and mousing just don't work the same as when I'm calm and happy.
Oh, sure. Tell me I don't know what I'm doing. Tell me that dialing the same number four times in a row (yes, the display showed me I was dialing right) only gives one correct response.

La Tante Marie says, "Cherie, I will fix your computer for you."
I'm going to let her.